
Logo challenge!


For his official birth, next wenesday, seedbomb needs a logo. The students of ENSA school, in Rouen took up the challenge...

Six of them offered their imagination and drew on paper what was coming in their mind, while thinking to seedbomb.net... 

Here is their work... Enjoy!

  • Antonin Jeanjean

logo sitetypo site

  • Baptiste Poulain

Baptiste POULAIN

logograine1 logograine2logograine3

  • Clémentine Debeaupte

seedbomb deuxieme seedbomb premier

  • Mathieu Vitasse (site)


  • Mathilde Reyz

okok Untitled-1222 en cours4

BIG BIG thanks to them!! All this idea are a real present for me...

And you, what do you think about it? Wich one would you choose?


Rebecca Armstrong